Group Insurance and Pension Plans
Business needs


Many organizations call on us to design group insurance and pension plans. We know that every business is unique, and that’s why we adapt our products and services to the specific situation of each client.


In the first place, we take time to know you well, to understand your reality ans your needs. Furthermore, our duty is to facilitate your action in the management of your group plans ans to suggest solutions corresponding to this reality and your needs.

  • We are re-known experts
  • We offer personalized services of superior quality
  • We have a reputation of integrity towards our clients and partners

We do know that a Group Insurance plan is not only a Health or Dental Plan. Over and above that, it is most likely the proof that your enterprise holds the well-being and good health of its employees. Still being a constant budget concern, we are confident that the health and financial security of your employees are important aspects of their well-being, as much for them as for you. Group Insurance Plans are considered by the employees as an essential part of their global remuneration.

We can help you build your first group plan or to advise you on your present plan. We will help you to optimize fiscally your investments and the salary deductions of your employees. Since we have no obligation towards an insurer in particular, we hence have an largely extended business network, allowing us to serve our clients with the greatest efficiency.

Many different products are available, but would you pick the best choice:

  • The continuity and the succession of your enterprise
  • Offer a superior protection for your key employees
  • Finance the buy-back agreement
  • Analyse the Group Insurance Plan
  • Analyse the Retirement Options
  • Analyse your needs as an owner of an enterprise

Let us guide you to achieve a better protection!



To design a pension plan as much as possible well adapted to your industry, to the type of personnel in your employment and to your budget, we take great care and use tools specially  created with this objective in mind, to thoroughly  analysis of the situation of your enterprise.

Going forward our next duty is to facilitate the management of your pension plan and suggest solutions in line with your own reality and actual needs.

We are in a position to help you build your first pension plan or provide advice with your existing plan.

We can help you with any types of pension plans.

  • Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (Group RRSP)
  • Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP)
  • Registered Defined Contribution Pension Plan (RPP-DC)
  • Simplified Pension Plan (RSPP)
  • Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP)
  • Registered Defined Benefit Pension Plan (RPP-DB)
  • Member-Funded Pension Plan (MFPP)
  • Individual Pension Plan (IPP)


Let us guide you to achieve a better protection!